ServicesEvery Woman Deserves A Fulfilling Sexual Life

We provide expert confidential care for all sexual health and wellness needs of women. Our services include treatment for sexual pain disorders, hormone regulation disorders, and non-surgical cosmetic procedures that can enhance confidence and improve overall sexual wellness.

Our Aim is to offer effective outpatient individualised multidisciplinary approach towards diagnosis and treatment of women sexual problems to help woman grow from struggles, heal from the pain and move forward to where woman want to be in her life.

Patient details and privacy is of utmost importance and strictly Confidential.

Services We Offer

Sexual Health For Every Woman

Painful Sex

Painful sex, also known as dyspareunia, is a common issue that can affect women of all ages. You may feel pain or discomfort during sexual activity, and it can range from mild to severe.

There are many potential causes of dyspareunia, including physical conditions such as vaginal dryness or irritation, sexually transmitted infections, or vulvodynia (chronic vulvar pain). Psychological factors, such as stress or relationship problems, can also contribute to dyspareunia.

Symptoms may include pain during penetration, pain with clitoral stimulation, or pain with certain positions. If you are experiencing painful sex, we can help you determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Low Sexual Desire

Low sexual desire or hypoactive sexual desire disorder is a lack of interest in sexual activity, and it can range from mild to severe.

There are many potential causes of low sexual desire, including physical conditions such as hormonal imbalances or certain medications, psychological factors such as stress or depression, or relationship issues.

Symptoms include a lack of interest in sexual activity, lack of sexual fantasies or thoughts, or lack of desire for physical intimacy with a partner. With appropriate and timely treatment, we can ensure substantial reversal of this condition.

Body Image Issues

Body image refers to a person's perception of their own appearance, and it can be influenced by a variety of factors such as cultural standards, media messages, and personal experiences.

Negative body image leads to low self-esteem, reduced confidence, and difficulties with intimacy and sexual relationships.

Symptoms of body image issues include a preoccupation with perceived flaws or imperfections, avoidance of certain sexual activities due to body image concerns, or a negative self-perception that affects daily life and well-being.

If you are struggling with body image, seek help at the earliest so you can improve your relationship with your body.

Sexual Pleasure Education

Most women in our country do not receive comprehensive, accurate, or respectful sexual pleasure education.

Sexual pleasure education is the process of learning about and understanding one's own sexuality and the sexuality of others. It includes information about reproductive anatomy and physiology, sexual health and well-being, and healthy relationships.

Without this knowledge, individuals may struggle with understanding and managing their own or their partner’s sexuality.

At our clinic, we offer sexual pleasure education as a service to support the sexual health and well-being of our patients.

Premarital And Post-Marital Counselling

This is a form of therapy that can help individuals and couples improve their sexual health and well-being in the context of marriage and committed relationships. A couple’s sex life can be impacted by a variety of factors such as communication, intimacy, and stress.

Premarital counselling helps couples address any concerns related to sexual health before getting married. Post-marital counselling helps couples work through issues that may arise after marriage. Both types of counselling can be helpful in improving communication, understanding, and problem-solving skills, and can increase the chances of a successful and fulfilling relationship with respect to sexual health and well-being.

At our clinic, we offer both premarital and post-marital counselling for individuals and couples as they navigate the challenges of committed relationships.

Hormonal Regulation

Hormonal imbalances can have a significant impact on a woman's health and well-being, including her sexual health.

Common symptoms may include irregular periods, infertility, changes in libido, unexpected weight gain or weight loss, acne, changes in mood or energy levels, and sleep disturbances.

Our team is here to help you manage your hormonal regulation through a combination of lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, and medication or other treatments as needed.

We have the expertise and resources to help you achieve balance and optimal health. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for support and guidance.

Premenopausal Sexual Issues

Menopause is the natural end of a woman's reproductive years, marked by the cessation of menstrual periods. Sexual issues are common before and during this time.

Premenopausal sexual issues can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, relationship issues, and certain medications. Common symptoms may include changes in libido, difficulty becoming aroused, difficulty achieving orgasm, and pain during intercourse.

We can help identify the underlying cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options. These may include lifestyle changes, such as managing stress or improving communication with your partner, or medication to address hormonal imbalances or other underlying health issues. 

Postmenopausal Sexual Issues

Postmenopausal sexual issues refer to difficulties or changes in sexual function that occur after menopause.

Symptoms include a decrease in libido, difficulty becoming aroused, and difficulty achieving orgasm. These changes can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, dryness and thinning of the vaginal tissue, and changes in the pelvic floor muscles.

Treatments include hormone therapy, lubricants to address dryness and discomfort, and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Nonsurgical Cosmetic Treatments

There are many nonsurgical cosmetic treatments that are designed to improve the appearance and function of the genital and urinary systems. These treatments can be used to address a variety of concerns, including urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, and low sex drive.

Some common treatments include vaginal bleaching, post-surgical scar revision, O-spot and G-spot amplification, laser vaginal rejuvenation, and pelvic floor tightening. These treatments are typically performed in a clinical setting and do not require surgery or extensive downtime.

Speak to us to determine if a nonsurgical cosmetic treatment is appropriate for you and to understand the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. Our team is here to support you and help you make informed decisions about your sexual well-being.